Algebra Videos

Old Algebra Videos

Focus Area 1: The language of algebra & Solving equations

Expressions (1.1-1.3)

Lesson 1-1 - Evaluate Expressions

Lesson 1-2 - Order of Operations

Lesson 1-3 - Write Expressions

Functions (1.4-1.7)

Lesson 1-4 - Write Equations and Inequalities

Lesson 1-6 - Represent functions as rules and tables

Lesson 1-7 - Represent functions as graphs

Integer operations (2.1-2.6)

Lesson 2-1 - Use integers and rational numbers

Lesson 2-2,3,4,6 part 1 - Add, subtract, multiply and divide negative numbers

Lesson 2-2,3,4,6 part 2 - Number properties

The distributive property (2.5)

Lesson 2-5 - The distributive property

One- and two-step equations (3.1-3.2)

Lesson 3-1 - Solve one-step equations

Lesson 3-2 - Solve two-step equations

Multi-step equations (3.3-3.4)

Lesson 3-3 - Solve multi-step equations

Lesson 3-4 - Solve equations with variables on both sides

Proportions and percents (3.5-3.7)

Lesson 3-5 - Write ratios and proportions

Lesson 3-6 - Solve proportions using cross products

Lesson 3-7 - Solve percent problems

Rewriting expressions (3.8)

Lesson 3-8 - Rewrite equations and formulas

Focus Area 2: Linear Functions

Graph linear equations (4.1-4.3)

Lesson 4-1 - Plot points in a coordinate plane

Lesson 4-2 - Graph linear equations

Lesson 4-3 - Graph using intercepts

Slope-intercept form (4.4-4.5)

Lesson 4-4 - Find slope and rate of change

Lesson 4-5 - Graph using slope-intercept form

Lesson 4-6 - Model direct variation

Lesson 4-7 - Graph linear functions

Write linear equations in slope-intercept form (5.1-5.2)

Lesson 5-1 - Write linear equations in slope-intercept form

Lesson 5-2 - Use linear equations in slope-intercept form

Write linear equations in other forms (5.3-5.4)

Lesson 5-3 - Write linear equations in point-slope form

Lesson 5-4 - Write linear equations in standard form

Parallel and perpendicular lines (5.5)

Lesson 5-5 - Write equations of parallel and perpendicular lines

Focus Area 3: Linear Inequalities and Absolute Value

Inequalities with one variable (6.1-6.3)

Lesson 6-1 - Solve inequalities using addition and subtraction

Lesson 6-2 - Solve inequalities using multiplication and division

Lesson 6-3 - Solve multi-step inequalities

Compound inequalities (6.4)

Lesson 6-4 - Solve compound inequalities

Absolute value equations and inequalities (6.5-6.6)

Lesson 6-5 - Solve absolute value equations

Lesson 6-6 - Solve absolute value inequalities

Linear inequalities in two variables (6.7)

Lesson 6-7 - Graph linear inequalities in two variables

Focus Area 4: Systems of Equations and Inequalities

Graphing linear systems (7.1)

Lesson 7-1 - Solve linear systems by graphing

The substitution method (7.2)

Lesson 7-2 - Solve linear systems by substitution

The elimination method (7.3-7.5)

Lesson 7-3 - Solve linear systems by adding or subtracting

Lesson 7-4 - Solve linear systems by multiplying first

Lesson 7-5 - Solve special types of linear systems

Systems of linear inequalities (7.6)

Lesson 7-6 - Solve systems of linear inequalities

Focus Area 5: Exponential Functions

Exponent properties

Lesson 8-1 - Apply exponent properties involving products

Lesson 8-2 - Apply exponent properties involving quotients

Lesson 8-3 - Define and use zero and negative exponents

Scientific Notation

Lesson 8-4 - Use scientific notation

Exponential functions

Lesson 8-5 - Write and graph exponential growth functions

Lesson 8-6 - Write and graph exponential decay functions

Focus Area 6: Quadratic Functions

Polynomial Operations (9.1-9.4)

Lesson 9-1 - Add and subtract polynomials

Lesson 9-2 - Multiply Polynomials

Lesson 9-3 - Special polynomial products

Lesson 9-4 - Solve polynomial equations in factored form

Factor ax2+bx+c (9.5-9.6)

Lesson 9-5 - Factor ax^2+bx+c

Lesson 9-6 - Factor ax^2+bx+c

Factor Completely (9.7-9.8)

Lesson 9-7 - Factor Special Products

Lesson 9-8 - Factor Completely

Graph Quadratics (10.1-10.3)

Lesson 10-1 - Graph y=ax^2+c

Lesson 10-2 - Graph y=ax^2 + bx + c

Lesson 10-3 - Solve Quadratic Equations by Graphing

Solve Quadratics by using roots and completing the square (10.4-10.5)

Lesson 10-4 - Solve Quadratic Equations by Taking Square Roots

Lesson 10-5 - Solve Quadratics by Completing the Square

The Quadratic Formula (10.6-10.7)

Lesson 10-6 - The Quadratic Formula

Lesson 10-7 - Interpret the Discriminant

Compare Linear, Exponential and Quadratic Models (10.8)

Lesson 10-8 - Compare Linear, Exponential and Quadratic Models.

Other Functions: radicals and rationals (not on the final exam)

Radicals (11.1-11.3)

Lesson 11-1 - Graph Square Root Functions

Lesson 11-2 - Simplify Radical Expressions

Lesson 11-3 - Solve Radical Equations

The Pythagorean Theorem (11.4-11.5) - Skip

Lesson 11-4 - The Pythagorean Theorem

Lesson 11-5 - The Distance and Midpoint Formulas

Graph Rational Functions (12.1-12.2)

Lesson 12-1 - Inverse Variation

Lesson 12-2 - Graph Rational Functions

Simplify Rational Expressions (12.3-12.4)

Lesson 12-3 - Divide Polynomials

Lesson 12-4 - Simplify Rational Expressions

Manipulate Rational Expressions (12.5-12.6)

Lesson 12-5 - Multiply and Divide Rational Expressions

Lesson 12-6 - Add and Subtract Rational Expressions

Solve Rational Equations (12.7)

Lesson 12-7 - Solve Rational Equations

Orphaned Lessons

Modeling with linear functions (5.6-5.7)

Lesson 5-6&7 - Use computers to fit a line to data --- note, this lesson is outdated. There are other ways to do regression. When you get to this lesson ask for help.

Lesson 2-7 - Square roots