App Inventor
Magic 8-Ball
Mole Mash (graded)
Get the gold (graded)
Space Invaders (graded)
Choose your own tutorial that we haven't done:
Tutorial Grading Rubric:
100 - The student fully completes the tutorial and only asks for help when really needed.
80 - The student fully completes the tutorial but asks for help before reading the directions.
60 - The student partially completes the tutorial.
0 - The student does not complete the tutorial.
Daily Grading Rubric:
100 - The student is on task throughout the whole period. The student may talk but does so quietly
80 - The student is on task mostly but has a small lapse of focus.
60 - The student is not on task and distracting others. (This includes loud noise/singing while working.)
40 - The student is so off task that Mr. Kunkel has to move their seat.